Suitcase Blues
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:50 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Just A Game
Song Author
Rik Emmett
File Size
33 KB
It's four in the morn ing, there's not a soul a round
This dir ty ho tel room has real ly got me down
A mod ern day min strel, they got my name in lights
I wish these days of glam our did n't have these lone ly nights
I'm on the road of for tune and I got the suit case blues real bad _
I guess I'm mak ing pay ments of the dues that must be paid
I cash a no ther song in to this end less mas quer ade
Half way through the cir cuit and head ed for the coast
Been gone so long I can't re mem ber what I miss the most ah, but
Me and John ny Wal ker, and the com fort that he brings,
Wait ing on the te le phone that nev er ev er rings
On the lone ly road of for tune, and I got the suit case blues real bad
I got the blues _ and I got them real ly bad
The suit case blues _ are the worst I ev er had
All by my lone some and I'm half way round the bend
I don�t mind drink ing so lo but I sure could use a friend
Oh _ _
Me and John ny Wal ker, and the com fort that he brings,
Wait ing on the te le phone that nev er ev er rings
On the lone ly road of for tune,
And I got the suit case blues real bad
It is imperative to follow the 5.2 notices located
throughout. The song is mostly accurate, with only
some percussion needing tinkering, especially in the
verses and the tempos. It is also imperative to keep
the Master Reverb that you see to your right where it
is, as this makes it sound best. This was checked for
accuracy by playing along with the real track song!